I started showing an interest in photography at a young age - I loved color composition and clarity within simple things like magazine images or in picture books. As I got into my teenage years, I gravitated towards courses with lots of imagery like art history and graphic design.


Upon taking a high school photography course, it was then that my true passion began. I found such excitement, for the first time ever, stepping foot into a classroom at 8am on a weekday. I couldn’t wait until the next morning to find out what our next project would be. Naturally, this passion of mine continued throughout the years and I’d, at times, find myself in a forest preserve or an open field for hours messing around with angles and lighting on my camera. I found that outdoor photography was my favorite - nothing seemed to compare to the natural beauty that unfolds in terms of lighting and color composition of the great outdoors.


After becoming a mom, I found a new passion - our daughter. So I decided to combine the two and found I was able to intergrade my love for photography with my love for our daughter into a beautiful partnership and I haven’t looked back since...

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